Easy Sandwich Bread for the Bread Machine

I adapted a good homemade bread recipe for my bread machine.  I find this usually rises well even in our wetter climate.  Bread machine bread consistently turned out well when in Southern California.  In the Pacific Northwest, the climate and altitude affect bread making and often my bread machine bread would cave in.  I’ve learned to watch the bread as it begins mixing and add flour or liquid until the dough as the right consistency.  I also do this when making homemade bread.  I was fortunate to have a “bread-making” Grandma who taught me more than she knew.

American Sandwich Bread

3 ¾ cup all purpose flour
2 tsp. salt
1 cup warm whole milk (about 110 degrees)
1/3 cup warm water (about 110 degrees)
2 Tbsp unsalted butter, melted
3 Tbsp. honey
2 ¼ tsp instant yeast

Follow bread machine manufacturers directions and place ingredients in the bread pan as recommended. 

You could also use the machine to mix and knead your dough and then finish baking this in a oven.

Once dough cycle is done, on a floured work surface, gently press the dough into a rectangle and roll into a cylinder that will fit in greased bread pan. Cover with clean kitchen towel and let rise until almost double in size.
With oven heated to 350 degrees and one rack centered in middle of oven with a second rack at lowest position.  Pour two cups boiling water into a empty pan and place on bottom rack. 

Suggest baking time on original recipe was 40 to 50 minutes.  This may vary so check at 25 minutes.  Bread is done when the crust is golden brown and the loaf makes a hollow sound when tapped.


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