Grace's Waffle Recipe

Happy New Year! We enjoyed waffles topped with blueberries and whipped cream last night for New Year's Eve dinner. The recipe is from my Aunt Grace. We often had waffles made from Grace's recipe for Sunday Supper when I was a girl.

Grace's Waffles

2 cups flour
3 Tbsp. sugar
1 tsp. salt
4 tsp. baking powder
2 eggs, separated

1 3/4 cup milk. . .
(Last night this made the waffle batter too thin and I added more flour until it was just a bit thicker than cake mix batter. Next time I'll start by adding 1 1/4 cup milk and only add more milk if necessary.)

4 Tbsp. vegetable oil

Mix flour, sugar, salt, baking powder, milk and egg yolks.

In separate bowl beat the 3 egg whites until stiff peaks form and then carefully fold the egg whites into the batter.

Finally, add the vegetable oil, folding in carefully.

Using a waffle iron follow manufacturers directions and enjoy waffles.


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