Carne Asada Marinades

The first Carne Asada Marinade recipe was given me by my cousin, Gwen Mader who got it from a co-worker. While I'm still searching for the perfect carne asada marinade, these come close. (Living so close to Mexico for those 7 years has raised the bar for me, I'm afraid.)

1 whole white onion
2 Tbsp. vinegar
4 limes (1 cup lime juice)
2 tomatoes
2 tsp. oregano
2 tsp. cumin powder
1 bottle Corona beer
salt to taste
pepper to taste

Mix all ingredients except salt and pepper. Marinate overnight. When read to grill add salt or pepper individually to each piece as you grill. For grilled onion taste, grill the meat and put the onions from the marinade on top of the meat as it cooks. ( I leave out the tomatoes and put fresh tomatoes on top of the meat just before eating.)

The second really simple marinade was taken from Denise at Friendly Freezer. I don't have the exact proportions so I'll enter approximately what I might use.

3/4 cup Sunny Delight juice
1 tsp. Seasoning Salt
1-2 cloves garlic, minced
1 large onion, sliced.

You can add cilantro. I usually add red pepper flakes or cut up jalenpeno or add a couple of splashes of hot sauce for extra kick. Again you can grill the onions with the meat.

Serve the carne asada in your favorite tortillas. Great with homemade salsa.


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